My stuff on Steam!

The promotional image of Warcat Parade, my bullet hell! The promotional image of 8bit hi-tempo BGM pack! The promotional image of chiptune 8bit BGM pack!

Some pages are still under construct! Thanks for your patience!



The links below will be operational soon! Thanks for your patience!

^_^ Language select! English ^-^ Français.

Le nekopunk welcomes you!

This website is my HQ. I am showcasing my work, whether it's chiptune, pixel art or video games. On the banner above, you can find links to purchase Warcat Parade on Steam. That's my bullet hell in pixel art, made solo! If you're a developer working with RPG Maker or Unity, you can purchase my chiptune audio packs as well. However, self-promo is one thing, but having principes is another one. I believe that the world is not made to be bought or sold. I won't welcome you in a business suit but with nekomimi.

Despite the fact I have Asperger syndrome, I still have a white skin, I am cis and heterosexual. What I try to mean is I am playing life in easy mode. However, this website is a safe place for you - unless you're nationalist or something. This is my reaction to the USA elections of 2025. My company share values and these values are not those from the gafam. That means two things. First, trans are welcome here. Secondly, you'll find me nowhere on the mainstream networks!

This website is still under construct, especially the English section. Globally, in addition to my business and my portfolio, there will be a library with interesting stuff to download and to read. I hope you'll find something good here!

Turn up the music!

I don't like Spotify so listen to my music on the NekoPunkTube! Or check my albums on BandCamp!

Thanks for your visit! Now support me on Ko-Fi.

The promotional image of my KoFi page.

I am also on Mastodon.